
Object, No Object: Sculpture of Ideas
FRCC Museum & Gallery Studies

Employing critical theory and historical models
to explore the evolving definition of sculpture

Saturday, October 23

Two Blogs, One Aim

Today FRCC Museum & Gallery Studies participants met with local artists to formulate plans for our on-site invitational exhibit December 3, 2010 at the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art. During the round-table discussion with curators, artists and logistical taskmasters all in attendance it was made clear that additional virtual space was needed in order to accommodate the discourse surrounding the conceptual ideas and  pedagogical stance of each artists as it pertains to the aim of the exhibit Object, No Object: Sculpture of Ideas.Therefore a second blog.

It is my intention over the next month to introduce you to the artists invited to the exhibit allowing the audience to approach the work with new insight into a variety of  individual artistic processes. Comments and questions are highly encouraged in hopes of engaging our audience in discourse related to the evolution of sculpture.

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